Harbinger™ offers trial consulting services tailored to the strategic needs of your case. Harbinger’s consultants bring the wisdom of decades of trial experience to help illuminate the strengths, flaws, stumbling blocks, and gaps in your presentation. We enhance your argument and offer deeper insights into the likely trial outcome.
The edge Harbinger™ gives is in the analyzation of the “real people” response. We find a representative sample of real people to evaluate your case exactly as a jury would. We then examine and interpret their responses to present the trial team with proven take aways and strategies.
Our valuable difference is “real people" — not colleagues, partners, or family members who offer off the cuff reactions to segments of your case. Following a prepared presentation of relevant case materials, real people judge your case from the perspective of a juror. Their insight paired with our analysis exposes the strengths and weaknesses of your argument.
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